10 Extra New pass roads View of Chur. The roads across the Splügen and San Bernardino passes were extended and made passable between 1819 and 1823. This created a new and faster connection between North and South. The landscape painter Johann Jakob Meyer (1787–1858) captured the new pass roads in his paintings from 1823.Image: Raetian Museum + View of Reichenau. The artist who was enthusiastic about modern technology put roads, arches of bridges, and tunnels into the foreground of his paintings.Image: Raetian Museum + View of the lower bridge in the Viamala near Thusis. Previously, the passage through this fearsome narrow gorge was dangerous. The new road made travel much easier.Image: Raetian Museum + The construction of a tunnel in the so-called «Lost Hole» of the Viamala made it possible directly to traverse the gorge without any detour.Image: Raetian Museum + Andeer in the Schams valley.Image: Raetian Museum + On the Splügen pass towards Chiavenna.Image: Raetian Museum + The Lago d'Isola on the San Bernardino pass.Image: Raetian Museum + In the South at last: castle Mesocco on the way towards Bellinzona.Image: Raetian Museum +